Fragile Eternity – Melissa Marr

ISBN: 978-0061214714
Publisher: Harper Collins
Genre: Fantasy
Pages: 400
Age Range: 12 and up
Series: Yes, third
Reader’s Annotation: Seth must choose whether he will remain a mortal in Aislinn's world of Faerie, or if he is strong enough to find a way to become Faery.
Summary: In the third title in the Faerie series, Marr does not disappoint. Court alliances are more tenuous than ever; Aislinn refuses to become Keenan's true Queen because of her affection for Seth and Donia, the new Winter Queen, struggles against the needs of her court because of her love for Keenan. Meanwhile, Niall the unbidden new King of the Dark Court rages silently against being used by two Kings to the same end. Relationships flourish and whither against the backdrop of a strengthening Summer Court and new Courts come to fruition in an effort to remain pertinent. Readers will certainly need to have read book one in the series, Wicked Lovely, to follow the chain of events in this title. However, readers who are a fan of these characters, and urban fantasy in general, will find much to enjoy. Readers will also look forward to the next installment, yet unnamed, of this world where we hope relationships will finally have some sort of resolution.