Perfect Chemistry – Simone Elkeles

ISBN: 9780802798220
Publisher: Walker Books
Genre: Fiction
Pages: 368
Age Range: 12 and up
Series: No
Reader’s Annotation: Alex and Brittany are both certain that they have absolutely nothing in common. When a Chemistry projects teams them up, however, they realize that being together is the only thing that makes sense.
Summary: Meet Alex, an up and coming member of the Latino Blood gang who is tough as nails. Meet Brittany, the girl who has everything and makes sure everyone knows it. Yet, not everything is what it seems. Alex was jumped into the gang to protect his family when his father was killed. Brittany keeps a perfect exterior in order to keep her family off her back, and to protect her older sister who has a severe form of muscular dystrophy. When the two are forced to work together on a Chemistry project, they discover that while they’re incredibly different, they fit each other in a way that no one else can. Elkeles creates a realistic world, filled with both violence and beauty to tell the story of two teens from opposite sides of the tracks who fall in love despite the odds.
Warning: strong language in both English and Spanish, sexual situations.