Luna – Julie Anne Peters
ISBN: 978-0316011273
Publisher: Little, Brown
Genre: Fiction
Pages: 256
Age Range: 12 and up
Series: No
Reader’s Annotation: Regan’s biggest secret isn’t about herself. It’s about her brother Liam, and the reality that he is really a girl named Luna.
Summary: Regan has a secret that she has never told anyone. Her brother, Liam, is really a girl, named Luna. Narrated from Regan’s point of view the reader experiences the heady cost of helping a loved one live a lie. Liam is transgendered, a girl born into a boy’s body. And she relies on Regan for moral support, clothing help and make-up tips. Yet, Regan feels like she has no life outside of Luna’s; her whole world revolves around keeping her sister a secret. The distance created by Regan’s narration allows readers the chance to question their reactions to Luna’s sexuality, and to imagine how they might cope with a similar situation. An incredibly powerful novel that deals with a subject still considered taboo by many, this title will find its audience slowly and surely.
Growing Up,