What I Saw and How I Lied – Judy Blundell

ISBN: 9780439903462
Publisher: Scholastic Press
Genre: Historical Fiction
Pages: 288
Age Range: 12 and up
Series: No
Reader’s Annotation: Evie is super excited to live the rich life on vacation in palm Beach Florida. When her parents meet up with Peter, a mysterious man from her father’s past, and Peter turns up dead, Evie must choose what and who she is going to believe.
Summary: Winner of this year’s prestigious National Book Award What I Saw and How I Lied is a tense exploration of one’s girls discovery of her parent’s faults. Set in 1947 fifteen-year-old Evie is desperate to break away from the little girl that her parents have kept her. A surprise vacation to Palm Beach provides this chance when her father, Joe, runs into Peter, an ex-GI that he served in the war with. What happened between these two men during wartime obsesses Evie until Peter finally reveals the truth. When Peter dies under mysterious circumstances, even to Evie, it is up to her to figure out the truth – and how to reveal that truth to others. A striking cover and page-turning voice will have teens picking this one up.