Wintergirls – Laurie Halse Anderson

ISBN: 9780670011100
Publisher: Viking Juvenile
Genre: Fiction
Pages: 288
Age Range: 12 and up
Series: No
Reader’s Annotation: Lia doesn’t know why Cassie called her before she died. And she certainly doesn’t want to know the last haunting words that Cassie left on her voicemail.
Summary: During the summer of 8th grade best friends Lia and Cassie talked about who would be the most popular in their new high school, who would have the best clothes and the best boyfriend and who would be the skinniest. In her most haunting novel since Speak, Anderson weaves a complicated tale about the dangerous relationship between two girls and their eating disorders. When Cassie dies, after leaving Lia 33 unanswered calls, Lia must reassess what their friendship meant, and if she really wants to be like Cassie. Interspersed with crossed out text and caloric counts, this novel travels into the mind of a young girl trying to become a perfect size 0. While the novel will be praised for its subject matter and honesty, this reviewer hears Melinda Sordino (Speak) in Lia too much. Instead of a new novel, Wintergirls seems to be the same novel with a different topic.