City of Glass – Cassandra Clare

ISBN: 9781416914303
Publisher: M.K. McElderry Books
Genre: Fantasy
Pages: 560
Age Range: 12 and up
Series: Yes; third
Reader’s Annotation: The Clave is in disorder, Valentine is gaining momentum and Clary is confined to her house by Jace’s wishes. She must harness her power in order to save her mother and Idris.
Summary: In the final chapter of the Mortal Instruments series Clary is determined to follow Jace and the Lightwoods into Idris in an attempt to meet the one warlock who holds the key to her mother’s mysterious coma. Meanwhile, Valentine is on the move determined to retrieve the last of the Mortal Instruments, the Mirror, in hopes of resurrecting the Angel Raziel and destroying the Clave. Clare does a fantastic job of wrapping up all the loose threads in this final volume. Readers finally learn the truth behind the “experiments” that make Jace and Clary special and the family history that binds them together. A great conclusion to a fast paced and fun fantasy series.