Cut – Patricia McCormick

ISBN: 9780439324595
Publisher: Push
Genre: Fiction
Pages: 160
Age Range: 14 and up
Series: No
Reader’s Annotation: To ease the pain of her life Callie cuts herself. Can she learn to deal with her pain in another fashion, or is she doomed to remain hospitalized her whole life?
Summary: Callie cuts herself, and introduces herself slowly throughout this first person narrator. Readers learn that Callie is now at Sea Pines, a treatment center for young girls with all types of problems: anorexia, bulimia and more. Desperate to keep control over her life Callie is slow to discuss her growing need to cut with the treatment center’s psychologist. Her self imposed mutism allows her to observe the other girls, without them ever knowing one thing about her. Much like Halse’s Speak, Callie is an affecting character that the reader will grow to care about. The first book of it’s kind in the young adult genre, this novel pulls no punches in discussing cutting with honesty and directness.